Dear Patricia McCormick,

I really like the fact when you wrote your novel, you kept it very simple. You're an author who writes books mostly for young adults. I know some other young adult authors who uses all sorts of formats when writing a novel which sometimes makes it hard for us teenagers to understand. I really appreciate your writing because it was really easy for me to understand without having to re-read anything to comprehend. 

Although, you used many vocabulary words, you backed them up with sentences that basically gave the definition of those words. That's another reason why I appreciate your writing. For example, I had no idea what words like garish, absolve, censure, and elate meant. Whenever I came across a word I didn't know, I paused for few seconds to even try to pronounce them the right way, but then I would continue reading the sentences and then BOOM! I know what those words mean. 

Also, I really like how you only got into details with the stuff that actually had to be explained and didn't really spend that much time on the things that had nothing to do with the novel. Even though I only read from page 1- 48 so far, I really got in the book and hopefully it will end the way I expect it to.